Go for VET in Erasmus+

Olemme mukana Go for VET in Erasmus+ strategisten kumppanuuksien hankkeessa

Nuorisokeskus Ankkapurha on hankekumppanina Euroopan Unionin rahoittamassa `Go4Vet” Strategisten kumppanuuksien hankkeessa. Hanketta koordinoi ammatillinen teknillinen oppilaitos,
Zespół Szkół Ponadpodstawowych no 1 in Krotoszyn Puolasta. Puolasta mukana on myös IT- sekä kielivalmennuksiin keskittyvä organisaatio Dobre Kadry Research-Training Centre.

Muut hankekumppanit ovat Larnaka Tourism Board Kyproksella, jonka toimialaa ovat matkailun ja kansainvälisen toiminnan edistäminen Larnakan alueella, sekä voittoa tavoittelematon organisaation,
The Institute of Citizen’s Sustainable Development and Health, joka edistää ihmisten hyvinvointia ja heikommassa asemassa olevien oikeuksia pääosin paikallisesti Piraeusin alueella.

Hankkeen päätavoite on kartoittaa vammaisten opiskelijoiden harjoittelumahdollisuuksia ja pitkän tähtäimen tavoitteena selvittää, kuinka myös kansainväliset harjoittelupaikat Erasmus + ohjelman kautta olisivat paremmin vammaisten opiskelijoiden saavutettavissa. Kaikki hankkeessa mukana olevat organisaatiot isännöivät yhtä tapaamista, jolloin tutustutaan kukin alueen realiteetteihin ja valmiuksiin ottaa vastaan vammaisia opiskelijoita ja harjoittelijoita. Hankkeessa on järjestetty tapaamiset Puolassa, Kyproksella, Suomessa ja Kreikassa. Hankkeessa teemme paikallisella tasolla yhteistyöstä monikulttuurisuuskeskus Saagan kanssa.

Tähän mennessä hankkeen sisällä on tehty kyselyjä kaikkien organisaatioiden toimesta, millaisiksi työelämän edustajat sekä opettajat kullakin alueella kokevat vammaisten opiskelijoiden mahdollisuudet omasta näkökulmastaan.

Hanke alkoi keväällä 2023 ja jatkuu vuoden 2024 loppuun saakka. 
Hankkeen aikana luotiin vinkkivihko, joka sisältää suosituksia ammatillisen koulutuksen tarjoajille vammaisten inkluusiosta Erasmus + ammatilliseen liikkuvuuteen.

Go for VET in Erasmus + hankkeen päätösseminaari järjestetään ensi viikolla online-muodossa. Lisätietoa ja liittymislinkin saat: https://go4vet.zsp1krotoszyn.pl/en/news/ Kaikki asiasta kiinnostuneet ovat tervetulleita mukaan.

Meeting in Poland 27.-29.6.2023
First transnational project meeting was held in Wroclaw, Poland. The meeting included presentations of each organization and overview of the project steps and discussion of the goals is this project. First meeting day included study visits in Cafe Równik and Hotel Plaza Wroclaw. Second day the first visit was to Polish Association of the Deaf, Lower Silesian Medical Center and last say study visit headed to Animar veterinary office. By the lead of presents of Dobre Kadry on the second day there was organized presentation under the theme of inclusion from perspective of people with disabilities and their tutors. Dobre Kadry also provided discussion session and evaluation of the first project meeting and the next steps to take before second project meeting held in Cyprus. Finland`s responsibility is to interview teacher and profession in field of photography and multimedia technician about they experience of how and what to take under consideration in time of having intern with disability at work place and thought about possibilities to provide international internships.

Meeting in Cyprus 3.-5.10.2024
Second project meeting was held in Larnaka, Cyprus in where Taina Talvala and Jutta Hartikainen were presenting us as a part of cooperation with Saaga. First meeting day included meeting with the Director of Sandy Beach Hotel and Cyprus Hotel Association Board Member Ms Joanna Florentiadou which lead the participants to discussion about requirements for students internships in hotels. The second visit was hosted by Dr. Katerina Antoniou, Lecturer in Tourism, Course Leader for BA Hons Hospitality and Tourism Management, UCLan University, Pyla. The dialog concentrated on Internships in the Hospitality Industry in Cyprus. Second day participants from all organizations were presenting the pre – results of interviews with teachers of studies that are expertise for each partner in this project. The project focuses on developing possibilities for international interns in the field of hotel technician, veterinary technician, logistics technician and photography and multimedia technician that is Finland’s responsibility. The third study visit of meeting headed to St. Barnabas School for the Blind in Nicosia and was hosted by Ms Niki Georgiou, Social Officer for employment and Ms Christina Eliadou, Med Education for persons with visual impairment. Focus on this meeting was in apprenticeships and employment of the visually impaired. Last visit day consist of meetings with HR officer of Larnaka Municipality Mrs Christina Orphanidou and Mr. Andreas Efstathiades, General Manager of Mikes Kanrium hotel with whom focus on discussion was in requirements of students training in hotel.

Meeting in Finland 23.-25.1.2024
Third project meeting was held in Finland, Kouvola 23.- 25.1.2024. The meeting included visits at vocational school Eduko, Kouvola Youth services at NuPa house, Multicultural center Saaga and Parik foundation. At Eduko we were hosted by Eduko vocational school – “Basic degree in media and visual expression” department and guidance counsellor Henna Pehkonen who explained the daily work of school and how the possible disabilities and diagnoses are affecting the work in classroom. Kouvola Youth Services were introduced by Virpi Kärkäs who is long term youth worker and also responsible for international action. Multicultural center Saaga is our local partner in this project and Taina Talvala, manager of center introduced the versatile work of the center for international participants. Visit at Parik foundation was more practical and gave chance to see the realities of people with disabilities as they explained by themselves with help of Taija Sievinen, service manager of foundation, what are the changes to access to work life and society from they perspective. All visits included presentations of each place and Its action and dialogue about the inclusion of people with disabilities. Customers of Parik foundation also visited at youth center on last action day as part of the program allowing for participants change to actually experience day and ways to work with people with disabilities. As a part of cultural awareness week included also visit at Poikilo museum in Kouvola exhibition and Sauna. Warm thanks to each visited place for giving us your time and adding knowledge about the theme and realities of people with disabilities.

Meeting in Greece 9.-11.4.2024
Last transnational project meeting was held in Athens, Greece. Hosting organization provided week with study visits to logistic field that Is their expertise in this project and to local tourism field in hotel that is also included to this project. First day study visits took place in Goldair Handling at the International Airport of Athens and with HR manager of Sofitel Airport to discuss student’s industrial placement. Second day visit headed to “IEK ALFA” in Glyfada and included presentation of the activities and students internship in touristic and other companies and meeting with the administration of IEK ALFA. Beside the study visits there was also visits to culturally significant places. Meeting included discussions about the work done so far and the report that collects together the results from interviews made with teachers in each country to provide better possibilities in future take into account the students with disabilities in international internship. Also the comments that teachers have been given from the agreements templates were under pre-evaluation. The next steps are to finalize the report and disseminate the results in each country and also prepare the transnational video meeting that will be take place in September 2024.